Sunday, November 4, 2007

Your USP is …You!

by: Laurie Brandt I am sick and tired of seeing “Copycatting” of everything. I open my email and what do I see? 20 people trying to sell the same thing. What happened to originality? The sad part is they are all attempting to sell what I and most of us already own. The Internet is too big for everyone to copy each other, come on people if you have real talent, show it, don’t copy the next guy…it is boring and stupid. It is almost like American Idol and hearing songs that are carbon copies of the originals…real talent makes it your own. Use your words, pick a unique ensemble of products (or create your own) and show your true talents. I am taking my time to carefully learn all aspects before I throw out the same old stuff they are doing. Actually I will neve View the rest of this article

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