Monday, July 23, 2007

Which Part of the Penis to Enlarge?

Since penis enlargement is still not as normal as breast implants or plastic surgery, a lot of men who try to improve their penises still have doubts with it. Instead of having a plan and a clear list of goals in their minds, men prefer to wait until their shame and desperation drive them to resort to all kinds of acts. But the best advice that anybody can give you is to keep your cool and think about things for a while. Penis enlargement is an effective way of getting rid of your problem, but you still need a plan. The most important thing to do is to take a good, long and honest look at yourself and decide which part of the penis to enlarge. Most men are, naturally, of average size and may only need an extra inch or so to get that well-endowed look. Nevertheless, t View the rest of this article

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