Monday, December 31, 2007

Mommy & Baby: Weight Gain & Failure To Thrive

A guide to appropriate weight-gain and what to look for if you suspect failure-to-thrive:
Weight Gain:
Birth ? 2 weeks of age
 Regain birth weight plus some
2 weeks ? 3 months of age
 Two pounds per month or one ounce per day
4 ? 6 months of age
 One pound per month or one-half ounce per day (should double birth weight by 6 months)
One year of age
 2.5 to 3 times her birth weight

Failure to Thrive:
There is a difference between slow weight gain and failure to thrive. With slow weight gain, the gain is consistent. With failure to thrive, you will see a baby who continues to lose weight after 10 days of life, does not regain her birth weight by three weeks of age, or gains at an unusually slow rate beyond the View the rest of this article

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