Monday, October 22, 2007

Dealing With Grief Over A Departed Pet

The loss of a beloved pet can be as devastating as losing a family member. Afterall, pets can be more lovingly unconditional than people. If only the amount of love showered on our pets can be equal to the amount of years added to its life, our pets would live as long as we want them too. But as everything else that has a beginning, so too, do they have an ending. Indeed the paradox of loss is at constant play with life: we are certain that everything ends but we are uncertain when it ends; we are certain how it will make us feel, but uncertain at how to deal with what we may feel. So how does a man say good-bye to a beloved pet, companion and best friend who has given him its full attention, unconditional love and loyalty and even aid in daily living (i.e. blind peo View the rest of this article

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