Friday, November 23, 2007

Top 10 Reasons to get into bellydancing!

Bellydancing is swaying its way into being one of the most popular forms of entertainment and exercise. Considered to be one of the oldest dances in the world—practiced by ancient cultures from the Orient to the Middle East—the modern world has embraced it for numerous reasons.
1. It’s a fun way of losing weight. Many women have problems losing weight in the abdominal area. Bellydancing has a way of tightening that tummy (and the flab in the arms, thighs, and oh, just about everything). And what makes this so effective as a weight control program is that women rarely skip a session. The classes are so enjoyable you don’t realize you’re burning calories.
2. You can easily adopt the program to your needs or skill levels. Start with the simplest of moves View the rest of this article

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