Monday, July 9, 2007

Free Online Business Community

There are thousands of email lists across the web that you can sign up with.
Some are full of valuable information, while others are just full of ads and SPAM.
Almost every site has them, and yours should not be an exception.
But if you are like most webmasters, your list is filled with friends and family and nothing else.
The biggest drawback with email lists is the amount of reciprocal mail to fill your mailbox.
Here is the solution. Freebies! Give your website visitors a reason to sign up with your list. Just offering a newsletter or ezine is never enough these days. People can get these any where.
And never, never just put "join our mailing list".
That's like saying "I have a thousand ads waiting for you once you sign up." There needs to be some perceived value.
Another alternative and by far the best is to join an online community.
These are groups of business minded people some with many years experience and some newbies.
Most are free and not only do they offer a wealth of free advice, alternatives, advertising and articles, they offer one thing which you will need more than all the rest of these suggestions.
SUPPORT. Yes as silly as this may sound, the internet business can be very lonely and depressing place when things are not going the way you want. These groups offer friendship support and sympathy because most of the people you communicate with have already been in your situation.
Two excellent groups are BizPreneur at or Lazzeo at
Both are free to join and there is no requirement to upgrade unless you choose.
I wish you all the best with your business.
Be Seen - BeViZiBle

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